Account events

You can subscribe to events that may occur on your exchange accounts. Event types include balance changes, withdrawal alerts, new internal transactions, and so on.

Account balance

Fetch Exchanger account balance

Rest API

 * @param exchanger: string
 * @param market: string
const accountBalance = await egRest.fetchWalletBalance(

/* Expected `accountBalance`:
    exchanger: string,
    market: string,
    balance: {
        btc: {
            locked: string,
            available: string
        usdt: {
            locked: string,
            available: string

Socket RPC

 * @param exchanger: string
 * @param market: string
const accountBalance = await egRealtime.rpc.fetchWalletBalance(

/* Expected `accountBalance`:
    exchanger: string,
    market: string,
    balance: {
        btc: {
            locked: string,
            available: string
        usdt: {
            locked: string,
            available: string


Subscribe my exchanger account balance changes

 * @param exchanger: string
 * @param market: string
const streamSubscription =

(async () => {
    for await (const event of streamSubscription.consumer()) {
        /* Expected ``:
            btc: {
                locked: string,
                available: string
            usdt: {
                locked: string,
                available: string